Twenty Second

Dua puluh detik? Apa maksudnya ya? Bukan.. ini maksudnya ke dua puluh dua alias 22nd :P Sebenernya lagi mo nonton Running Man tapi pas liat jam ternyata sisa waktunya cuma 1 jam lagi sampai hari ini berakhir ~.~

Happy 22nd birthday to myself ^^
Ada cerita menarik apa yang mau di share disini? Ga ada! Kalo ada yg bingung kenapa ga dirayain ya karena memang setiap tahun seperti itu. Ga tiap tahun juga sih, kadang ada temen2 yg kasih surprise seperti tahun lalu. Cuma berhubung hari ini hari minggu & udah ga kuliah & memang ga kemana2 jadi ga ada perayaan apa2, kue pun nggak. Kasian? Sedih? Iya sih pasti ada dua perasaan itu, tapi kan ga perlu sampe gimana banget huehehe..

Ultah kali ini ada nyokap disini yang pagi2 udah masuk ke kamar terus tepok2 pantat gw sambil bilang, "Selamat ulang tahun~! Mau tiup lilin ga? Yuk pake kue meranti (oleh2 ko2 dari Medan)". So sweet isn't it? ^^ Walaupun gw bilang ga mau dan memang ga mau karena malu2in secara ini bukan di rumah sendiri, tapi gw merasa terharu aja karena nyokap masih ada niat buat ngerayain ultah anaknya. Air mata gw sampe keluar donk hahaha ternyata gw ini orangnya gampang terharu ya :"]

Jadi hari ini gw lalui seperti hari2 biasanya. Tadinya malah mo pergi kirim barang tapi ga jadi karena males panas banget diluar lol. Siangnya ya selonjoran dikamar bermain dengan parter gw ace si android dan cotti si lappie ♥ Dari hasil main2 itu muncullah foto ini... JENG JENG!

Awalnya sih foto2 sendiri pas lagi tidur2an karena bosen, eh tiba2 si mamak (pardon my kampungan style to call my mom lol) dateng dan tiban2 gw minta ikutan di poto lol. Di foto itu memang ancur banget muka gw, but I like it sooo much, dunno why hahaha. 

Semoga di usia ke-22 ini bisa makin mandiri, makin dewasa, bisa dapet kerjaan formal! Yosh! Ga berasa ya udah 22, kayaknya gw masih kekanak2an banget gitu. Abis enakan jadi anak2 sih hohoho. See ya~~

My Lovely Sister 1st Giveaway

Beauty blog 'My Lovely Sister' mengadakan giveaway pertama mereka karena telah mencapai lebih dari 150 follower. Cek giveaway-nya disini Jangan lupa pada ikutan ya ^^

1.Etude Aloha Henna Fix Proof 10 Mascara Henna Super Fix Eyes (#2 Long Lash)
2.Etude Miss Tangerine Sweet Showing Lips no.1
3.Baviphat Juicy Mask (Avocado + Strawberry)

Giveaway tersebut akan berakhir tanggal 31 Maret 2012. Selamat mencoba! 

Some Words & Some Reviews

Hiii~ long time no see. I'm sorry for neglecting this blog for a year, I don't have any fascinating stories to share since my life is so so. Thanks to God because He guide me to run a small business in a past year that give me some works to do. :)

This is the first time I write in English because I realized that writing a blog in Bahasa isn't cool *LOL*. No, I mean the language is confusing. Sometimes it can be too formal and sometimes too unformal, not consistent, I don't like it. Though my grammar is soooo bad, I'm trying my best, because I myself want to do it.

After a year, what the difference in myself?? Ya, I started to take care of my skin, my hair, my body, and wear some make up now. I like blog walking just to read some reviews about make up products or event that the blogger attend, it's so fun. But they can be poisonus because their reviews make you wanna buy that products. >:)

Today I was going to Grand Indonesia with my best friends to eat Mr. Curry *yummy* and I'm trying some products that i bought some days ago. 

1. Lioele Triple Solution BB Cream
Only bought a sample because I still have my TSF Mushroom BBC that makes me break out! Ugh! That's why I bought this BBC, some reviews say this doesn't make you break out and the coverage is great. Yes, the coverage is great compared to my TSF Mushroom. But I don't really like the scent.

2. Tony Moly Backstage Eyeliner #2 Brown
I loveeeeee this eyeliner! Seriously! My previous eyeliner are pen liner and pencil liner, they smudge so BAD and what I can tell you if they smudge? Waterproof? Eww.. Nah, can't totally blame the eyeliner because my eyelids are so oily. BUT!! This Tony Moly gel liner indeed smudgeproof because I wear it for about 6 hours without eye primer and they still on my lids! Totally amazed. I'll start wearing it everyday from now.

3. NYX Megashine Lipgloss in Ice Princess
My first lipgloss. The color is cute and the texture is good. What I don't like about this lipgloss is the scent. It smells like syrup medicine in strawberry flavour for children.

4. Biore Cleansing Oil Sheet
This cleansing oil sheet is very very useful if you lazy to take your cleansing oil and your cotton everywhere. And I use it because I haven't buy any cleansing oil untill now. Hahaha.

Thanks for reading! Don't mind the poor gramar because I know you are Indonesian!!! HAHAHA. Read it as long as you know what it means :P And because you read it, you know how bad my English is. I'm sorry ;~;
See ya~~

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